Hello Family and Friends!
As a physician, I have always had a dream to help people in other parts of the world who do not have easy access to health care like my family and I have in Canada. Last year I worked alongside an incredible group of health care professionals from Barrie, Ontario to provide medical relief to many patients in Guatemala. It was an incredible and life changing experience. Many of you supported me last year for which I was exceptionally grateful.
In November 2023, I will be going back to Guatemala with "Team Broken Earth - Barrie" to aid people in Guatemala that don't have access to the type of surgical care that we have here.
As you can imagine, a surgical mission to Guatemala is a huge undertaking, requiring vast resources and funds. A major part of our preparation for this trip will be securing supplies and medications required to conduct as many as 70 surgeries. There is no inventory of supplies in Guatemala for us to use. Everything we need, we must bring with us.
I hope that I can count on your support again to reach my fundraising goal of 2700.00. I have created my own fundraising page to collect donations in support of this effort.
Broken Earth is a registered charity and all financial donations are tax deductible. Please visit their website to see the amazing work that this organization has done over the past few years. https://brokenearth.ca/
Please help me reach my fundraising goals.
Thank you in advance for your generosity in reaching my goals and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email at anna.rozenberg@medportal.ca
Thank you for your kindness!