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Welcome to Jimmy's Crew!

Created By: Darryl Shackelly
Team Name: Jimmy's Crew
2024 The Amazing Ride 2.0
Starts: May 26, 2024

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My personal message:


There’s a good chance that anyone in my life, knows or has heard of my Brother Jimmy. He’s been supporting this cause for a long time. People who know Jimmy, may have learned that he’s been fighting the same battle for a couple years now...or not (he tried to keep the news in a very small circle). Well, he’s stated that this could be his last year. Not because he doesn’t want to do it…but because he knows he can’t after this event.

Please help me, help the CREW end in VICTORY!!!

Prostate cancer is the #1 cancer for men and the second leading cause of cancer death. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. PCFC provides critical support and resources to men with prostate cancer. This grassroots organization has been around for 25 years and keeps expanding its services and grant research funding. They are only able to provide these services because of your continued committment to the Ride to Live. I will continue to ride and fundraise; but it's not enough. I need your help now more than ever. As we move closer to the Ride to Live, I am asking you to step up the fight against prostate cancer and support the men we love.  


Make a donation to Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada's Annual Ride To Live for Prostate Cancer via my personal web page below. 


Because this event is for the tens of thousands of Canadian men living courageously with prostate cancer and their families. It’s for all the men who have died from this disease and the families who have lost loved ones. It’s for the roughly 26,000 men who will be diagnosed in 2024 and everyone who cares about them. 

THE 15th Annual RIDE TO LIVE- 2024 is The Amazing Ride 2.0 

Is an annual event hosted by Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada, a volunteer based organization that represents prostate cancer patients, their families and communities. Even if you don't ride a motorcycle, you can still step up and volunteer or consider donating. 

Every donation, big or small, will have a huge impact for men and their families dealing with a prostate cancer diagnosi. Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation.  

Thank you in advance for your generosity and for giving the men in your life the gift of health.

For further information on Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada, please visit: www.prostatecanada.ca 



Pledge funds raised go to prostate cancer research, awareness, education, & support.

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My Progress
My Goal:
So far I raised:
Donations which will continue each month:
Darryl Shackelly

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