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Welcome to my personal fundraising page

Created By: Barbara Welsh
Team Name: The Chain Reaction
Ride for Hearing 2024
Starts: Jul 14, 2024

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My personal message:

Please Help me support The Rotary Club of Vancouver Ride for Hearing in aid of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in British Columbia.

Although I am unable to ride in the event this year I strongly support this cause and have formed a very capable team of riders and fundraisers called "The Chain Reaction". We are a very ambitious bunch who have set a very ambious goal this year and we are hoping that by reaching out to you that you too will recognize the need of children and adults throughout B.C. who need specialized assistance in order to hear the sounds of life. Please help me reach my fundraising goals!

Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Barbara Welsh

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My Progress
My Goal:
So far I raised:
Donations which will continue each month:
Barbara Welsh

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