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Please help support Children's Hearing and Speech by supporting me in the Rotary Ride for Hearing!

Created By: Scott MacKenzie
Team Name: Children's Hearing and Speech Centre
Ride for Hearing 2024
Starts: Jul 14, 2024

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My personal message:

The Rotary Hearing Foundation provides much needed funding for the deaf and hard of hearing in BC.  I am on the board of Children's Hearing and Speech Centre and the money raised in the Rotary Ride for Hearing is often directed to support the students and programs at our school. 

Please help support CHSC and the Rotary Hearing Foundation by donating to my ride! 

Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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My Progress
My Goal:
So far I raised:
Donations which will continue each month:
Scott MacKenzie

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