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Welcome to my personal fundraising page

Created By: Bill Schulz
Ride for Hearing 2024
Starts: Jul 14, 2024

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My personal message:

Help me support The Rotary Club of Vancouver Ride for Hearing in aid of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in British Columbia.

Please help me reach my fundraising goals!

Lord willing I hope to participate in my 36th annual bike a thon for hearing on July 14th and since I am now over 80, I plan on biking around 35Kms the week of July 8th and 70 Kms on the official date July 14 thus completing the 105 Kms  and avoiding the steep Stanley Park and UBC route hills. Last year my fund raising goal was $5000 but with your generous support we raised over $6000 and this year I hope we can match or even exceed this.

I want to thank you for your consistent and faithful support over the years, it is much appreciated.

Blessings Bill





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My Progress
My Goal:
So far I raised:
Donations which will continue each month:
Bill Schulz

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