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Welcome to my personal fundraising page

Created By: Douglas Smith
Team Name: Gears for Ears
Ride for Hearing 2024
Starts: Jul 14, 2024

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My personal message:

Hi, as many of you know, a few years ago I lost approximately 45% of my hearing.  I know now what a blessing it is to have your full sense of hearing. Missing conversations in crowded spaces and forever asking people to repeat themselves is not fun.


i hope you would help me support The Rotary Club of Vancouver Ride for Hearing in aid of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in British Columbia.

Please help me reach my fundraising goals!

Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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My Progress
My Goal:
So far I raised:
Donations which will continue each month:
Douglas Smith

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