In January 2011, the Mat-Su Animal Shelter confiscated 160+ neglected dogs from the Montana Creek kennels of Frank Rich. Peggy Sue was one of lucky ones. Despite having a badly broken front leg, with the bone sticking out and infection setting in, the shelter workers decided she could be saved. On April 1, 2011, the vets amputated her leg at the shoulder. It was no April fool’s joke when she awoke as a tripawd! She seemed to adapt well, walking with more of a spring (or hop) in her step than before the operation, although she still had PTSD from 6-7 years of neglect. Over the next several years, she also lost an eye to melanoma, and her hearing. Through all that, she looked forward to a full food bowl, and spending time in her favorite place on the beach in Seward.
Peggy Sue participated in her first Dog Jog in 2011, and was there every year after, including her final year dog jogging in the stroller loaned to us by David Jensen.
I am participating in the annual Dog Jog in memory of Peggy Sue, to raise much needed funds for Friends of Pets. For 35 years, this all-volunteer organization has helped companion animals and their families through rescue and adoption, education, spay/neuter information and assistance, crisis assistance and more. You can help us reach our goal – just click on “Sponsor Me” to make a donation.
Thank you for caring and for your kind support! Together we are making a difference!