Item: Eating Establishment - Business Licence

Obtain / Renew your Eating Establishment Business Licence below:

"Eating Establishment" shall mean a place, or part of a place, where food is prepared on site and offered for sale to the public for consumption either on or off the premises. Business Licences are issued in accordance with the Business Licence By-Law.

Eating Establishment Licences will be issued after payment has been received, and all information verified and confirmed. Online Submission of a Licence Application or Renewal does not confirm Licencing Eligibility. Retain your electronic receipt, emailed to you after processing.

New licenses will be mailed out within 10 business days of online order to the address provided. Renewal licenses are mailed out each January, and due to high volumes may take longer than 10 business days to process.

The late fee applicable after March 31st is $35.00.  The late fee after July 1st is $100.00.

Questions? Contact the Customer Service, first floor of City Hall, call the Licencing Clerk at 519-332-0527 Ext 3350 or email business@sarnia.caAdditional information can be found here:

Prior to submitting a New Application contact regarding compliance with the Zoning By-law. 

For all new licences: Sarnia Fire will contact you for an Inspection. Be sure to visit our website for a checklist in preparation:


Renewal     $173.25 
New Licence     $340.59 


For item 1:
Name of Business:
What is the current/existing use of the Eating Establishment property? Select all that apply
For New Licenses As the applicant, have you verified the permitted uses of the proposed property as per the City of Sarnia Zoning By-Law prior to submission of this application. If renewing your licence please select 'Yes'.
  If not, please contact prior to submission.
Is the building a standalone building or a multi-unit/multi-tenant building?
    Standalone Building
  Multi-Unit / Multi-Tenant Building
Please provide a description of the proposed business if new.
Mailing address for licence:
Select your Type of Ownership:
    Personal Application
  Partnership Application
  Corporate Application
Name of each applicant:
Email address of each applicant:
Phone number for each applicant:
Municipal address of business:
Address of each applicant:
A sworn statement by all applicants is required. The accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the application is sworn by selecting "Yes". If the Applicant is a partnership of corporation you may be requested to provide additional items.

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