Boost moral - Don't forget to confirm offline pledges
For pledges received offline and recorded into the system by your volunteer fundraisers as pending donations, all your staff has to do is:
- Search for the pledge form ID (or registrant name).
- With the click of a button, confirm one, multiple or all donations.
- You can also correct typing errors if the donor’s contact information was input incorrectly.
- There are no transaction charges associated with the importation of offline pledges.
- For Canadian charities able to issue tax receipts: If you wish to send an encrypted e-tax receipt along with your acknowledgement, you can use the GiftTool eTax Receipts feature to issue receipts for offline pledges with a click of a button. ($0.35 per eTax receipt issued)
Should your volunteer fundraisers forget to record offline pledges into their account, your staff can:
- Easily input the information into an Excel document, and
- Upload the pledges into the system with a click of the button.
- Saves your staff significant input time, as they do not need to navigate your online donation form to input each donation separately.
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