Oops... javascript is not enabled. To use this page your need to enable javascript in your browser. Please click here for simple instructions to enable javascript. Thank you for supporting Clear Sky "Embracing or even igniting change can be an outstanding source of vitality and creativity." -Doug Duncan & Catherine Pawasarat Our mission is to provide a space for as many people as possible to awaken as quickly as possible, to eliminate negativity and ignorance, and to produce happiness and illumination, for the benefit of all beings. We are currently welcoming donations towards building a temple at Clear Sky. Your donation will let us improve our offerings and provide invaluable space to accommodate even more spiritual seekers. By supporting Clear Sky, your generosity supports your own awakening as well the the awakening of others, for years – perhaps generations – to come. That’s how we build a better world, and that’s a cause worth giving to. Donation Designation Please select a campaign from the list below to direct your donation to: My Gift Please select a gift frequency, or enter a different amount in the contribution box below. Frequency: Contribution Amount: CAD Donor Information An electronic tax receipt will be generated immediately after you click Submit. Please provide the name you would like to have appear on the tax receipt. Email Email (Confirm) Title [Mr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.] First Name Last Name Mailing Address City Country Province/State Postal Code Phone (Day) Phone (Cell) Credit Card Information Cardholder Name: Credit Card #: Security Code (CVV2): What is a CVV2? Card Type: Expiry: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 / 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 MM/YY Additional information Thank you for supporting Clear Sky! If the donation is to be made in tribute to someone special or to the occasion of an event, please provide the following details. In honour of: In memory of: In celebration of: If you would like us to send an acknowledgement on your behalf, please provide the information below. Full Name: Mailing Address: Message: Recurring message Clear Sky Meditation Centre PO Box 19, Fort Steele BC, V0B 1N0