Contribution Amount
Please indicate the amount of your donation:
Contribution Amount:
Donation Designation
Please indicate where you would like to direct your donation to:
All donations will be processed and receipted by the Christian
Advocacy Society.
Our board of directors may redirect donor-designated gifts to areas
where most needed if the original designated purpose is completed,
fully-funded or otherwise unavailable.
In Tribute
A tribute donation is a meaningful way to recognize a special
occasion, or to remember the passing of a loved one. If you would like
to dedicate your donation, please select one of the following:
If you would like us to send an acknowledgement on your behalf,
please provide us with the recipient's contact and your message
regarding the tribute.
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Personal Information
Please provide all of the required information so that we may issue
you an income tax receipt. We respect your privacy. This information
will not be shared with other organizations.
Email (Confirm):
Title [Mr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.]:
First Name:
Last Name:
Mailing Address:
Postal Code:
Phone (Day):
Phone (Cell):
Credit Card Information
Please type the cardholder name as it appears on the credit card.
Cardholder Name:
Credit Card #:
Security Code (CVV2):
Card Type:
Additional Information
We value your feedback. Please feel free to share your ideas, comments or questions.
Thank you for partnering with us!
Secure Donation - Crisis Pregnancy Centre
Thank you for your support to our Crisis Pregnancy Centre, an
outreach of the Christian Advocacy Society. Your donation helps enable
us to provide free counselling and resources for women experiencing an
expected pregnancy.
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