Annual & Leadership Giving
When you donate to The Havergal Fund, at any level, you
will have a direct impact on the daily lives of Havergal students.
The cumulative generosity of our Havergal Fund donors creates a pool
of funds that support all aspects of the Havergal learning
experience. A donation to the Havergal Fund is annually directed to
our areas of greatest need and may include student financial
support, faculty professional development, tools and resources to
support academic curriculum innovation, our efforts toward
environmental sustainability, program enrichment in the arts and
athletics, and our focus on wellbeing.
Havergal Old Girls/Alums may direct their annual donation
to their Class Endowment Fund. These Funds, many of which were
established during the class graduation year, have continued to grow
in value and impact through ongoing annual donations allowing for
ever increasing support of a wide variety of curriculum and
co-curricular activities.
Another option, become a Leadership
Donor today and become a part of the Green &
Gold Society by making a donation of $1000 or more to
Havergal's Annual Fund. You will play a vital role in creating a
learning environment that harnesses the incredible power, potential,
and resiliency that makes Havergal College such a vibrant, diverse,
and welcoming place to learn.
direct your annual gift to a specific priority, select the Fund from
the drop-down list above and enter the specific Fund name in the box
below. For example, select "Class Endowment" from the
drop-down and type "Class of 1980" in the box below.
My Donation
Please select a donation amount and frequency.
Contribution Amount:
*Associated Green & Gold group for monthly donations will be
determined by the total amount given during the school year.
Donor Information
Email (Confirm)
Title [Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr]
First Name
Last Name
Partner's Name (if applicable)
Class Year (4 digits)
Mailing Address
Province / State
Postal Code
Secure Payment Information
Cardholder Name:
Credit Card #:
Security Code (CVV2):
Card Type:
*Be sure to check your SPAM folder in case your receipt has
landed there. Tax receipts will be issued in the name of the cardholder.
In Tribute
If the donation is in memory or in honour of an individual, please
provide the following details.
If you would like us to send an acknowledgement on your behalf,
please provide the recipient information below.
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Secure Online Donations
Thank you for your generous support! Please provide
the requested information so that we can process your donation. Gifts
of $25 or more are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
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