Please consider our monthly giving option by selecting the Monthly frequency above. Our monthly giving program is an easy way for you to support the New Brunswick Public Libraries Foundation with manageable monthly gifts.
With this program, you have complete control. You choose the amount you feel comfortable with. If at any time you want to stop, increase or decrease the amount, just contact us at 1-866-453-3442, or email us at and we will make the changes you would like.
Please provide the name of the person whom your donation is celebrating.
Please provide the full name and address of anyone you would like notified of your gift; along with any comments you would like to send to them. Please note that the amount of your gift will be kept confidential.
If this donation is from an organization, please provide the organization name in the First Name field and the contact person name in Last name field.
We accept Visa®, MasterCard®, and American Express® credit cards and Visa® Debit and Debit MasterCard®cards. Please enter your card number with no spaces.