Hello all,
My name is Selena,
I am updating my story as I received my Service Dog from Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs on September 15th, 2021.
In 2015, I was sexually assulted by a family member which caused my generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and traits of borderline personality disorder which was offically diagnosed in March of 2020.
My anxiety and PTSD didn’t allow me to live a fully independent life. I was always in a heightened state of hypervigilance and wondered when the next panic attack would happen or how severe it would be. I had terrible nightmares that caused severe panic attacks that would last hours.
After being placed with my sweet Frankie, thanks to K4Paws, I am now able to go out in public and gain my independence back. In April of 2022, I was able to graduate from my Social Service Worker program from St Lawrence College with my girl by my side. My Service Dog is very supportive in the sense that she knows when I feel overwhelmed with emotions. She does a “boop” (nudge) when she sees me pick at my nails, she puts her paws up on my chest when I start breathing fast, she lays on top of my to keep me grounded and to give pressure when I start hyperventilating.
Without my Service Dog by my side, I would have never accomplished all the things I have done today.
The cost for the training of the service dog is more than $20,000 and we as a family are not asked to pay any of this. All we are asked to do, if able, is fundraise to offset some of the costs. Kingston 4 Paws receives no funding and only runs off of donations.
I sincerely appreciate your help.
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Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs829 Norwest Road, Suite 202,Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3
Phone: 613-766-4441Email: info@k4paws.ca
Registered Charitable Organization# 82942 4993 RR0001