Willem is a delightful, good-natured, 16-year old with an Intellectual Disability, Anxiety Disorder, Language Learning Disability and ADHD. He loves to connect with people but his language challenges cause him severe anxiety. When engaging with others, even if they are familiar to him, Willem worries about people’s reactions and whether they understand what he is trying to tell them. If you have seen Willem around the neighbourhood, you know he loves animals, especially dogs. He will approach all dogs and quickly gain their trust. People are repeatedly surprised by his gentleness and the very special bond he creates with dogs. At times, Willem is so anxious he is unable to move forward. We have used our family dog, Whisky, to encourage Willem to take part in events that are stressful to him, such as taking group pictures with his hockey team, or approaching a new person or a new environment. Having a dog beside him gave Willem the courage to be part of his first hockey team picture, and this at the age of 15. We have seen the impact a dog can have for someone like Willem. We are thrilled that Willem has been approved for a service dog from Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs (K4PSD). This amazing organization will pair Willem with the right dog for him and his needs. K4PSD receives no government funding and relies entirely on encouragement from the general public, corporate sponsors, fundraising events, and community supporters. We are hoping to raise funds so that Willem, and others like him, can benefit from the magic a service dog can provide. Kingston 4 Paws is a registered charity and provides a tax receipt for all contributions over 20$. As Willem grows into a young man, a service dog and your support will provide him with the safety, comfort and strength to tackle new challenges and succeed! Thank you for your support.
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Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs829 Norwest Road, Suite 202,Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3
Phone: 613-766-4441Email: info@k4paws.ca
Registered Charitable Organization# 82942 4993 RR0001