My name is Mike Biron and I would like to share my success story in being a recipient of a Service Dog, through Kingston 4 Paws.
I was diagnosed with Systemic Post Traumatic Stress Injury in 2018. After a long two years of therapy I knew there had to be a better way to help me cope with my injury. This is when I started the search and was led to Service Dogs
My journey began when I reached out to the Kingston 4 Paws organization back in November 2020 and began inquiring about their services, in particular obtaining a service dog. I must say, the staff were very receptive and informative and quickly guided me through the extensive process.
My first positive encounter was a home visit, where I had the great pleasure of having four beautiful animals visit and mingle with them. Little did I know I was being monitored as well and a match was being processed. The staff were very professional and super informative making the visit a comfortable one. I sat on the base of my steps and immediately a Black Lab named Lincoln came to me with his big head and huge paws, rested his head on my lap and I was overwhelmed with his soft kisses. The staff explained the process and the waiting period to be teamed with one of their animals.
Fast forward to April of 2021, I started attending training sessions and worked with some smart dogs, in particular with my luck, a big-headed huge pawed dog named Lincoln. Wow was he so smart and he made me feel on top of the world. I wasn’t comfortable in public places until I met Lincoln. He was the same dog I would dream about.
November 2021 I was working with Lincoln and the staff had advised me, I was approved for a Service Dog. The news was a very pleasurable and very overwhelming. The tears began to flow when they announced that Lincoln was being homed and that he was being homed with me. Wow, my life turned around that day.
I received Lincoln at the end of November 2021 and I can not praise Kingston 4 Paws and the staff who trained such an animal. They deserve every acknowledgment, praise and accolade for their work. I can not thank them enough for the greatest gift bestowed onto me. I have accomplished a lot of confidence again in my life and walk with my head held high. Lincoln is my best friend and a huge warm hug to the people who made this possible. You at Kingston 4 Paws are the greatest staff. Words can not describe how much you are part of changing my view of life. I will be forever grateful to you guys. Lincoln is so awesome and thanks for doing a great job getting him into my life.
Friend Forever
Mike Biron
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Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs829 Norwest Road, Suite 202,Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3
Phone: 613-766-4441Email:
Registered Charitable Organization# 82942 4993 RR0001