Hello, my name is Declan. When I was 2 years old I was diagnosed with severe autism. I am now 7-years-old and I can’t talk like other boys my age, I am non-verbal.I have been in therapy since I was 3-years-old and I have learned so much over the years. I can now share my thoughts, feeling and make requests but, I only use single words to do it. I sometimes have to use an iPad to communicate. My parents help me as much as they can, and I am in intensive ABA therapy 3 times a week. I love to play with cars and trucks, anything with wheels that I can race with and line up. When I play outside, my trampoline and swing set are two of my favourite things to do. I love to skate in the winter and swim in summer, which I just started to do it without a life jacket. I like to dance, sing, listen to music and watch movies, which I re-enact with my younger brother who is 4.
My infectious smile and energy brightens anyones day. A lot of the time my energy is so high that it challenges my teachers and parents to keep up with me. With my high energy I like to run and be chased, which has caused some severe safety issues while I am outside. On my fifth birthday I ran out of the school yard and I was hit by a car. I was ok, but I could not stop myself and the older I get, the faster I get. I have also ran away and went into other peoples homes without teachers and my parents knowing where I am. My impulses are very hard for me to control, so I wear a tracker full time. I have really scared my parents and teachers due to my elopement issues. Another challenge for me is regulation. My emotions are hard for me to control, especially when I am transitioning to different activities. I yell, scream and at times hurt myself. My service dog will be my best friend and help keep me safe. It will also help me in my day to day activities and allow me to be more confident and more independent. The cost of a service dog is approximately, $20,000. My family are not asked to pay this amount of money, but K4Paws relies soley on donations to support this program. Any help would be appreciated to support other friends like me. Thank you for taking the time to read about my story.
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Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs829 Norwest Road, Suite 202,Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3
Phone: 613-766-4441Email: info@k4paws.ca
Registered Charitable Organization# 82942 4993 RR0001