

Extension Program 2023 - 2024 : Introduction to Infant - Parent Psychotherapy


Introduction to Infant-Parent Psychotherapy

A Series of 15 Online Seminars

Presented by:

Course Faculty:

Elizabeth Tuters, MSW, RSW, Dip.TCPP, FIPA

Sally Doulis, MSW, RSW, Dip.TCPP

Ella Rogalska, DTATI, Dip.TCPP, RP, Cert.IMHS

Sandra Meyerovitz, MA(Social Work), RSW, Dip.TCPP

Nariko Dalrymple, Professor

Natsuko Tokita, MD Pediatrician


15 Fridays, September 2023 - February 2024

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EST

Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27; Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24; Dec. 01; Jan. 12, 19, 26, 2023; Feb. 02, 16, 2024  (15 seminars)


Seminars held online via Zoom videoconference


This program is open to ALL Mental Health Professionals. 


Donald Winnicott, a British pediatrician and psychoanalyst, made the famous statement in 1940 that has changed the way we think about infants. The Infant- Parent Psychotherapy (IPP)  is an infant/child – parent relationship led intervention, developed by Elizabeth Tuters & Sally Doulis. This model emphasizes pregnancy, birth and the early development of the infant/young child within the context of relationships - past and present, family and culture. The model of IPP is called OUR– Observation-Understanding-Reflection – wherein play is the medium, and change occurs through the action of observation, understanding and reflection.

The participants will have the opportunity to learn about the treatment model of dynamic Infant-Parent Psychotherapy through selected reading materials and a presentation of clinical material

This IPP model is a treatment intervention for parents and young children, as well as older children


After completion of the 15 seminars, participants will:

  1. Become aware of the impact of clinical work on their inner worlds;
  2. Begin to develop a self-reflective capacity to inform their clinical work;
  3. Experience the power of the relationship between infant/ young child and caregiver(s);
  4. Understand the importance and meaning of the infant/young child's hearing, verbal communication, gaze, movement and the use of play to inform the other about the inner world of the observed;
  5. Begin to develop strategies for thinking about the importance of assessment, formulation and treatment of troubled infant/young child/ parent relationships;
  6. Begin to understand the importance of the relationship having an effect upon relationship in the therapeutic situation.


Elizabeth Tuters MSW, RSW, Dip TCPP, FIPA, is a Registered Social Worker, Child/Adolescent and Adult Psychoanalyst, and Infant-Parent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. She is Co-Creator) (with Sally Doulis) of the model of Infant-Parent Psychotherapy (IPP), developed at the HincksDellcrest Children’s Mental Health Centre/Institute, then offered through the Extension Program of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society, and now by the Canadian Association for Psychoanalytic Child Therapists (CAPCT). She is a Past -President of the Toronto Child Psychotherapy Program (TCPP) now Canadian Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (CICAPP); member of the Association for Child Analysis (ACP); Fellow, ZeroToThree (Washington, DC); past officer of the Board of Directors of World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH); officer of the Board of Directors of Canadian Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists (CAPCT). Former Supervisor/Faculty CICAPP; Toronto Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (TPS&I); China & American Psychoanalytic  Alliance (CAPA). Elizabeth was in private practice and has presented and published papers on Infant Observation; Child & Adult Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, and Infant-Parent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Sally Doulis, MSW, RSW, Dip.TCPPis a Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist, with post-academic training in (1) intensive child psychotherapy at the Toronto Child Psychoanalytic Programme (TCPP), now called CICAPP; (2) marital therapy, with Dr. Kas Tuters and Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples with an Emotional Injury with Dr. Leslie Greenberg; and 3) High Conflict in Custody Disputes with the OCL (Office of the Children’s Lawyer, Toronto).  Sally is a Co-Creator (with Elizabeth Tuters) of Infant-Parent Psychotherapy (IPP) Intervention model. Sally is a Past-President of the Toronto Child Psychoanalytic Programme (TCPP), former Faculty and Supervisor, Canadian Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (CICAPP).   Sally has worked in the field of children’s mental health as a therapist, supervisor and teacher for many years. She served as past Head of the Individual Psychotherapy Program at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre. She has presented at WAIMH and published papers on IPP. She is in private practice and previously provided custody/access assessment through the Office of the Children’s Lawyer.

Ella Rogalska, DTATI, Dip. TCPP, RP, Cert. IMHS is a graduate in art therapy, psychoanalytic child, adolescent and adult psychotherapy, and in infant mental health studies. Ella has years of experience of working with children in psychodynamic play and art therapy and with adults in psychodynamic psychotherapy, in a variety of settings. Her work focuses on attachment disorder, separation and loss, trauma and grief.  Ella also enjoys teaching, and she is on the faculty of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute (TATI) and the China American Psychoanalytic Alliance (CAPA). She presented a clinical IPP case at the Annual Canadian and American Child& Adolescent Psychiatry Conference in Toronto 2022.  She is the current President of the Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists. She is in private practice.

Sandra Meyerovitz, MA (Social Work) RSW, DIP.TCPP is Vice- President and Clinical Member of the Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists (CAPCT); Graduate of the Toronto Child Psychoanalytic Program (TCPP) now Toronto Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists (CICAPP).  Sandra has worked in a variety of settings in South Africa and Toronto. She is a post academic candidate with the Toronto Institute for Psychoanalysis; and trained with the Advanced program of the Infant Parent Program, Toronto. She is Faculty in the Extension Program of TPS/I and with the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society.  She presented a discussion paper on IPP at the Annual Conference of Canadian and American Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists held in Toronto in 2022. Sandra is in private practice.

Noriko Dalrymple is Professor of the Department of Global Early Childhood Education, School of Early Childhood Care and Education, Ohkagakuen University, Japan.  She is a licensed psychologist. She is a board member of the Japanese Association for Infant Mental Health (JAIMH). She is a Qualified Nursery, Preschool & Elementary school teacher. Noriko obtained an MA in Psychoanalytic Observation Studies at the Tavistock Clinic & University of East London. She was Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education, Junior College of Chubu Gakuin University where she now provides psychotherapy at the Psychological Support Center. For many years she has been part of the training in Infant-Parent Psychotherapy, and with Natsuko Tokita developed pilot project of a seminar series on the Introduction to Infant-Parent Psychotherapy which was attended by members of the JAIMH BOD and will repeat again in 2023.

Natsuko Tokita, MD, Pediatrician is Leader of the Pediatric Mental Health Team in the Department of Pediatrics at Keio University Hospital, Tokyo.  She is a member of the World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) and the Japanese Association for Infant Mental Health (JAIMH). For many years she has taken part in the training in Infant- Parent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.  Natsuko has presented her IPP work at the WAIMH Congress in Melbourne and Dublin. In 2022 she and her colleague Noriko Darlymple developed a pilot project of a seminar series on the Introduction to Infant- Parent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy which was attended by members of the JAIMH BOD and will be repeated again in 2023.


$600 Mental Health Professionals;

$400 CAPCT Members;

$200 Student;

$100 Approved International Participants from countries experiencing financial hardships. 


These continuing education and professional development hours can be used towards your continuing education, professional development portfolio for your respective colleges, including the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).  

For more information and to register please contact 416.690.5464 or EMAIL

Date & Time: Sep 29, 2023 09:00 AM to
Feb 16, 2024 11:00 AM
[America/Toronto UTC -5]

Location: Meetings held via Zoom
Meetings held via Zoom
Meetings held via Zoom
Registration Closes: Feb 16, 2024 11:59 PM

Event Coordinator:

Nicole Moltisanti
 Registration Fees
Mental Health Professional Price
Extension Program - 15 seminars  
CAPCT Member Price
Extension Program - 15 seminars  
Student Price
Extension Program - 15 seminars  
Approved International Participant Price
Extension Program - 15 seminars  

Registration is now closed.


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Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists
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