A driving issue for public policy in California and Washington DC is global warming. The Geothermal Energy Association will be holding a half-day workshop exploring the issue of global warming, its potential to influence geothermal development, and what it will mean in practical and legal terms for geothermal companies in the coming years.
The meeting is open free of charge to GEA Members companies. An invitation to participate is also being extended to the many exhibitors at the GEA Expo, which will be held in Sacramento from October 24-27, and to representatives of GRC member companies on a space available basis.
Theme: What Will State and Federal Climate Change Laws and Regulations Mean for Geothermal Energy?
Noon: Welcome and Introductions, Karl Gawell, GEA
12:15: Keynote Address Eugene Linden, Author "What the financial crisis tells us about how the world will deal with climate change." Brief Bio: Eugene Linden is the author of seven books and for many years wrote about global environmental issues for Time. He has contributed to The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Fortune, and Slate. Linden has won numerous journalistic awards, including the American Geophysical Union's Walter Sullivan Award. He was named by Yale University in 2001 as a Poynter Fellow in honor of his work in environmental journalism Questions and Discussion
1:15 California Policies Implementing AB 32: How will they affect renewable markets and the geothermal industry? Moderator, John McCaull, GEA Panelists: Dave Mehl, California Air Resources Board (confirmed) Pablo Gutierrez, California Energy Commission, Geothermal Program (confirmed) Danielle Osborn Mills, Center for Energy Efficiency Renewable Technologies (confirmed) Questions and Discussion
2:00 Break
2:15 Federal Policies/Laws Addressing Climate Change: How are and will federal laws and regulations change to address climate legislation? How will they affect renewable markets and the geothermal industry? Moderator, Karl Gawell, GEA Panelists: Kermit Witherbee, BLM (confirmed) Representative, US DOE (confirmed) U.S. EPA, Region 9 (invited) Ryan Mullholland, Department of Commerce (confirmed) Questions/Discussion
3:15 Independent Viewpoints -- Climate Laws and Regulations and how they may help or hurt the Geothermal Industry Moderator, Dan Jennejohn, GEA Panelists: Kate Young, NREL (confirmed) John McKinsey, Stoel Rives (confirmed) John Pierce, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich (confirmed) Derek Walker, California Climate Initative, Environmental Defense Fund (confirmed) Questions/Discussion
4:00 Break
4:15 GEA Report on 2010 and Outlook for 2011 Karl Gawell and GEA Staff review GEA activities in 2010, and present outlook for 2011 Questions and Discussion
5:00 GEA Board Elections
5:30 Adjourn
(Organizing Meeting of new GEA Board 5:30-6:00)
Questions? For more information Contact: Kathy Kent, Kathy@geo-energy.org or Karl Gawell, karl@geo-energy.org