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How do I setup eStore sales regions?
You can sell your products around the world, or exclude certain geographic regions. Why?
  • Countries, provinces, or states may have trade restrictions on certain products.
  • It may be impractical to ship products to remote areas.
  • Your organization has an agreement not to sell your product in another organization's territory.
Choosing your geographic markets controls what the customer can purchase from your eStore. Excluding a country, province, or state removes the delivery and payment option to that region.

Step 1 - Select the countries in your sales region Back to Top
  1. From the Sales Regions section of the Shopping Cart menu, choose Countries.
  2. Check only those countries you want to include in your sales region.
    • Use the Check button to automatically have all countries checked.
    • To sell to select regions within Canada or the USA, that country must be included in your sales region.
  3. Click Save.
Step 2 - For Canada - select the provinces Back to Top
  1. From the Sales Region section of the Shopping Cart menu, choose Canada.
  2. Check only those provinces you want to include in your sales region. Use the Check button to automatically have all provinces checked.
  3. Click Save.
Step 3 - For USA - select the states Back to Top
  1. From the Sales Region section of the Shopping Cart menu, choose United States.
  2. Check only those states you want to include in your sales region. Use the Check button to automatically have all states checked.
  3. Click Save.

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