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How do I send emails to participants or team leaders?

Do you want to send emails to team leaders and participants with motivational tips to raise more money? Or, send reminder emails a week before your event?

Send emails to one or all participants or team leaders from the GiftTool BackOffice:

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Send Messages.
  3. Click Send an Email.
  4. Select the Pledge-a-thon name from the drop down list.
  5. Modify the greeting settings as required. Selecting Full Name will display both the first and last name after the Greeting.
  6. Create your email by entering your subject line and email message.
  7. You can upload an image, such as a logo, that will be included at the top of the HTML email. The image file size cannot be more than 100 kb in size. Try for help in optimizing your image.
  8. Click Next.
  9. To 'Test' send a draft message:
    • Only include the email addresses who should receive this test message.
  10. To send:
    • Select those registrant types who should receive this message.
    • To send an email to all participants and leaders, select all boxes for inclusion.
    • Include additional email addresses who should be copied on this mailing.
  11. Click Send Email when finished.
  12. From the Manage Messages section, you can click Send Copy to create a copy of your test message, correct any errors and select which registrant types should receive your final email. Messages in the Manage Messages section will be listed in chronological order, with the most recent email sent at the bottom of your list.
NOTE: CASL, PIPEDA, CAN-SPAM and other Email Marketing regulations, as well as the EU GDPR, may prohibit the sending of email invitations for new events to participants of a past event, if they have not opted-in to receive your emails for other activities not associated with the original event.

You MUST confirm that your email does not contravene EU, national and local email regulations before using this feature to send messages to participants.

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