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2014-08-22 - Salesforce Data Share - New version 1.10 released

Version 1.10 of the GiftTool Data Share App for Salesforce has been released this morning. For this upgrade, we have made a few small changes that allow for more non-nullable field types in the "Contacts".

For those organizations with custom fields in your contacts list, this upgrade will help when using the "Convert-to-Contacts (from G-Customer)" feature.

Already have a data share connection to your Salesforce account?

  • Click here to install the latest version 1.10
  • Once successfully installed, you can now use the "Convert-to-Contacts (from G-Customer)" feature regardless of any custom fields in your contacts list.

Do you have a Salesforce account, but haven't connected your GiftTool data to this account yet?

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