Books > Help Center > Shopping Cart > Essentials of Shopping Cart > Linking your eStore to your website >  

How do I add an 'Add to Cart' link to a web site?

By placing an 'Add to Cart' link in your Web site, you can link your Web site directly to the Add to Cart page for a given product. If your product has a choice of sizes, colours and other selection choices your customer must choice, consider adding an 'Add to Cart' form instead.

You can also use ‘Add to Cart’ links in conjunction with your electronic promotional activities. Consider adding one or more ‘Add to Cart’ links to your eNewsletters and other email campaigns, when you want to highlight new or seasonal offerings to your customers.

  1. From the Web Site Links section of the Shopping Cart menu, choose Add to Cart.
  2. In the Example of a 'Add to Cart' Link Box, modify the link with the actual Department ID number (DID=???) and Product ID number (PID=???) of your intended product.
    • If you are using the optional SKU numbers, you must also include this SKU number (SKU=???).
    • Links shown are in English. To modify a link for your French eStore, change LNG=EN to LNG=FR.
  3. Copy the link associated with a product whose 'Add to Cart' button will be linked directly from your Web pages or promotional campaigns.
  4. Paste the link into your Web site or promotional campaign.
    • The link can be associated with an image, button, or text.
    • Test your links once you go live. When testing links do not click submit on the final page to avoid processing your transaction.

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