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How do I automatically send GiftTool data to my FundRaiser Software database?

Setup your GiftTool account to have all transaction data automatically sent to your FundRaiser Software database.

STEP 1 – Enable the GiftTool Integration Module in your FundRaiser Software Account.

  1. Contact FundRaiser Software at 1-800-880-3454 to subscribe to their GiftTool Integration Module to allow GiftTool data to be sent to your account.
  2. FundRaiser Software will provide you with special username & password access codes.

STEP 2 - Configure your GiftTool account to integrate with FundRaiser Software

  1. Login to your GiftTool account, and click Account in the top right corner.
  2. Click FundRaiser Software in the Data Sharing section.
  3. Select "FundRaiser Software" as the Connection Type and click Add Connection.
  4. Enter the username and password provided by FundRaiser Software (see Step 1 above).
  5. Enter the Key Contact name and email for notifications related to data sharing. 
  6. Click Save & Test Connection to have your FundRaiser Software account validate that your username & password are correct and will accept data.
  7. GiftTool will then automatically send all past, future and modified orders to your FundRaiser Software database.

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