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About Pledge-a-thon reports

Pledge-a-thon reports help you analyze data about a pledge-a-thon. GiftTool provides many ready-to-use reports, each available in several report types and formats. How do I view Pledge-a-thon reports?

Summary Reports

Pledge-a-thon Statistics: Summarizes all the statistics for a pledge-a-thon (total amount raised, total amount of online credit card donations, total amount confirmed and/or pending offline pledges, # of participants and teams, # of online donations, # of offline confirmed & pending pledges, average donation size, average # of donations received by participant, etc.

Total Orders: Order information for a particular pledge-a-thon, sorted by order details, financial details, registration options, additional items, and participant details.

This report includes any cancellations and reorders. For example, the same individual may be associated with 3 transactions:

    • Original transaction to be paid by cheque,
    • Cancellation of original order,
    • Final transaction paid by credit card.

Question Details: Lists the questions asked and gives the complete answers from all participants.

Detailed Reports

Registration Options Summary: Number of registrants for each registration option, pledge-a-thon capacity and available spaces, and order value by option.

Participant Honour Roll: Participant information by amount of confirmed donations.

Team Affiliation Details: List of teams with the contact information of each team member & team leader, as well as, the amount of confirmed & pending donations. Participants not associated with a team will be listed at the very bottom of the report.

Additional Items Summary: Additional items by number of registrants and order value.

Additional Items Details: Registrant information by additional items ordered, including multiple registrations and order value.

Donor List: Lists all donations made to the pledge-a-thon. If your account is setup to automatically issue Canadian eTax Receipts, the tax receipt number will also be listed in this report.

Monthly Donor List: Lists all participants and sponsors who registered to become monthly donors on a pledge-a-thon site.

Sponsors Grouped by Participant: Lists, by participant, all the sponsors, and includes donations pending and collected, and the payment method.

Custom Reports

 Custom Orders Reports: If you have created a custom order report in the Account section that contains Pledge-a-thon information, this same report will be accessible from the Pledge-a-thon Reports page.

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