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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Administering Registrants >  

How do I search for an event order or registrant?

You can search for event orders by event name, or by using registrant-specific search criteria. Entering a partial name into the search field is an effective way of choosing from multiple orders. The search function looks through all orders, and categorizes the search results by the criteria you choose.

Each time a registrant signs up for an event, an order is created. Changes to registration options, additional items, or payment methods create a new order. Changes to contact information or answers to survey questions do not create a new order.

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Registrants.
  3. To narrow your search: Choose your event from a drop down list, and the full or partial name of the registrant you seek. Click Search.
  4. Click Profile beside the event order or participant. Participants may have multiple event orders associated with the same profile, if you have subsequently modified the order.
  5. From the profile page, you can:

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