Books > Help Center > Donations > Essentials of Donations > Managing donors >  

How do I search for a donation?

To search for a specific donation order:

  1. Click Donations to view the Main Menu of this service
  2. From the Administration section, click Orders
  3. Click Search.
  4. To narrow your search, use one or more of the following options before clicking Search:
    • Choose the Activity Type from the drop down list, such as donations received from a specific appeal, event or membership form.
    • Enter the full or partial name of the donor you seek.
    • Select the year from the drop down list.
    • Enter a full or partial order ID number.
    • Limit the number of orders viewed per page, and click the arrow keys to move from page to page.
  5. Click a column title, to sort the data for this column in ascending or descending order.
  6. Click the order ID to view the Order Profile, or click the donor name to view the Donor Profile. Multiple orders may be associated with the same Donor Profile.

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