Books > Help Center > Pledge-a-thon > Essentials of Pledge-a-thon > Getting Started >  

Fundraising Participant & Team Leader Guides

The following resources have been developed to help you guide your participants & team leaders in getting the most out of their peer-to-peer fundraising efforts. Embed these links into your online instructions, or simply refer to these documents when creating your own branded guides.

Participant Fundraising Guide:

How to effectively fundraise with your personal peer-to-peer fundraising account:

  • PDF document
    TIP: Embed the link to this document into your website or Pledge-a-thon Description, or create your own guide by modifying the text to your needs.

Team Leader Fundraising Guide:

How to motivate teams and effectively fundraise with your team leader peer-to-peer fundraising account:

  • PDF document
    TIP: Embed the link to this document into your website or Pledge-a-thon Description, or create your own guide by modifying the text to your needs.

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