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How do I reconcile GiftTool to Raiser’s Edge to our deposits?

To reconcile your deposits, you will need to reconcile your payment gateway reports to the reports from both GiftTool and Raiser’s Edge.

To make is easy, all GiftTool transactions will be listed in both your payment gateway and Raiser’s Edge reports by the GiftTool Order ID number preceded by a letter representing the GiftTool service used to process the transaction:

  • D = Donation service
  • M = Membership service
  • P = Pledge-a-thon service - Online transaction
  • PP = Pledge-a-thon service - Offline pledge
  • R = Event Registrar service
  • S = Shopping Cart service

To make the reconciliation process even easier, you may wish to consider having a separate payment gateway account or sub-account for GiftTool gifts versus gifts processed in Raiser’s Edge. For example, if you are running Raiser’s Edge credit card batches throughout the day and also accepting GiftTool donations to the same payment account/sub-account, it may be difficult to determine which gifts were processed online versus internally by the Order ID number alone.

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