Books > Help Center > Memberships > Essentials of Membership > Setting up a password-protected Member's Site >  

How do I customize my password-protected Member's Site?

Format your password-protected Member's Site by following these steps. You can save and preview your work at any time.

Step 1 - Setup Member Site Options Back to Top
  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click Options.
  3. Check the box beside any features to be included in the password-protected members' area.
    • Show Memberships: See example
      Display a list of all expired, active, and pending memberships associated with the member.
    • Show Ask The Expert: See example
      Display functionality allowing questions to be asked of the coordinator. An email will be sent to the coordinator, so that they can follow-up with the member's question.
    • Link to Multimedia: See example
      Display a multimedia section to your members, with links to your video, audio or other multimedia files. You can create the Multimedia section by adding content.
    • Link to Publications: See example
      Display a publications section to your members, with links to your publications. You can create the Publications section by adding content.
    • Collect Interests: See example
      Display a section where you can collect information about member interests. You can create the Interests section by adding interests.
    • Show Member Editable URL Links: See example
      In the Resources section, display a section where members can add and rank useful links. You can optionally add links to get this section started, as well as, modify or delete links entered by members.
    • Show Blog: See example
      In the Resources section, display a section with an open web log to which members can view and post blog entries. Blog entries cannot be deleted once posted.
    • Show Signed Waivers:
      Display the list of waivers which members have agreed to during the registration process.
  4. Click Save.
Step 2 - Create the Member's Area Home Page Back to Top
  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click Home Page.
  3. Create the text and links members see when logging in.
    • See example
    • You can use the HTML editor to add text attributes, paragraph formatting, images, links and colours to your description.
    • Create a table to position an image beside a block of text.
    • When pasting text from a Microsoft document, use the "Paste as Plain Text" icon and format your text with the HTML editor icons.
  4. Click Save.
Step 3 - Optional: Add web site links Back to Top

Add web site links to this list that members may find beneficial (see example).

  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click URL Links.
  3. To add a web site link:
    • Enter a short description for this link to be displayed to others.
    • Enter the Suggested Web Page link (for example
    • Click Save.
  4. To delete a web site link that was previously entered:
    • Click Delete beside the link to be removed from the list displayed to members.
    • NOTE: There is no going back once you click the delete button as the link will be permanently deleted.
Step 4 - Optional: Add Interests Back to Top

Interest Groups let you organize interests that members have. Knowing the interests of members helps with marketing, directing information, reports, and designing programs around them.

An interest group could be "Sports" or "What sports are you interested in?", then you can add the interests such as Soccer, Sailing, Skiing. See other examples.

  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click Interests.
  3. To add an Interest Group and the list of interests:
    • Type in the name of the New Grouping and click Add.
    • Click Add Interests beside the Interest Group to create the interests which will be displayed under this grouping.
    • Repeat to create additional interests and/or groupings.
  4. To rename a group:
    • In the Edit Interest Groups section, change the name of the Interest Group.
    • Click Rename.
  5. To delete a group.
    • Click Delete beside the Interest Group to be permanently removed from the list.
    • WARNING: Deleting a group, removes all the interests for this group, and the association between any member and this group and is not reversible.
Step 5 - Optional: Add Publications Back to Top

Offer your members' special access to publications which you are serving off of your site. See example.

Customize your Publications Page with a title, a description, and an image as an introduction to this section. Edit sections of your Publications Page by using the Previous and Next buttons to move between sections. Almost all elements are optional, so any fields left blank are hidden in the final version. You can save and preview your work at any time.

  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click Publications.
  3. Format the Publications section:
    • Enter the Introduction Title.
    • Optional: Enter the Introduction Description.
    • Optional: Upload an image for the Introduction.
    • Determine whether the list of publications should be displayed by ascending or descending date; or alphabetically by title.
    • Optional: Enter a title to appear at the top of each column.
    • Click Save & Next.
  4. Add your Publication Links:
    • Click Add Document link.
    • Enter the Document Link name
    • Optional: Use the calendar icon to enter a publication date (or posting date)
    • Enter the Document Link (e.g., which hyperlinks to the web page on your servers were the content is displayed.
    • Optional: Enter a description to appear below the document link.
    • Optional: Upload an image to appear to the left of your document link & description.
    • Check the boxes beside any membership types that are allowed to have access to this publication.
    • Click Save.
  5. Repeat the previous step to enter more document links.
  6. Click Change beside any document link to be modified.
  7. Click Delete beside any document to be permanently deleted.
  8. Click Save & Finish.
Step 6 - Optional: Add Multimedia Back to Top

Offer your members' special access to multimedia files (such as video or audio files), which you are serving off of your site or another hosting site. See example.

Customize your Multimedia Page with a title, a description, and an image as an introduction to this section. Edit sections of your Multimedia Page by using the Previous and Next buttons to move between sections. Almost all elements are optional, so any fields left blank are hidden in the final version. You can save and preview your work at any time.

  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Members' Login Site section, click Multimedia.
  3. Format the Multimedia section:
    • Enter the Introduction Title.
    • Optional: Enter the Introduction Description.
    • Optional: Upload an image for the Introduction.
    • Determine whether the list of multimedia content should be displayed by ascending or descending date; or alphabetically by title.
    • Optional: Enter a title to appear at the top of each column.
    • Click Save & Next.
  4. Add your Multimedia Links:
    • Click Add Document link.
    • Enter the Document Link name
    • Optional: Use the calendar icon to enter a publication date (or posting date)
    • Enter the Document Link (e.g., which hyperlinks to the web page on your servers were the content is displayed.
    • Optional: Enter a description to appear below the document link.
    • Optional: Upload an image to appear to the left of your document link & description.
    • Check the boxes beside any membership types that are allowed to have access to this multimedia link.
    • Click Save.
  5. Repeat the previous step to enter more multimedia links.
  6. Click Change beside any multimedia link to be modified.
  7. Click Delete beside any multimedia link to be permanently deleted.
  8. Click Save & Finish.

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