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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Linking events to your website >  

How do I add an event link to my website?

Paste an event link into your Web site to route visitors to the description and registration form for a specific event.

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Events
  3. Select the event name you would like to link and click Profile
  4. Locate the Event Link, and copy the full https:// address (double click the URL link to highlight the text and right-click on the mouse selecting Copy).
  5. Paste the URL into a page on your website.
    • The link can be associated with an image, button, or text.
    • Test your links once you go live. When testing links do not click submit on the final page to avoid processing your transaction.

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