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How do I add a general sponsorship to the thermometer?

During your event, you may receive a large donation or sponsorship that you would like reflected in the Pledge-a-thon thermometer. This visual representation of nearing your fundraising goal can serve as a great inspiration to your participants and sponsors.

If your thermometer is displayed in the Pledge-a-thon Description:

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Pledge-a-thons.
  3. Click Change beside the name of the Pledge-a-thon to be modified.
  4. Click the Description tab. 
  5. Right click on the thermometer with your mouse. From the drop down menu which appears, choose Insert Image.
  6. A box will open with the URL for the thermometer in the Source section. Add the amount to your thermometer link by changing "Add=0" to the amount of this sponsorship (for a sponsorship of $5000 type "Add=5000").
    • Do not include commas, currency symbols, or pennies.
    • This amount will not be listed in your GiftTool reports, it is simply a way for your event thermometer to display your current online & offline donations.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click either Update & Next to move forward or Save as Active to complete your work.
  9. These changes will show immediately in your thermometer. You may need to close your browser to terminate the browser session with the old settings, and get a fresh browser to see the change.

If your thermometer is displayed elsewhere on your website, modify the Pledge-a-thon Thermometer URL link used in your website as described in step 5 above.

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