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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > FAQs >  

Why is the Register Now button missing?

The Register Now button will only appear if your registration period is open. Therefore, please ensure that the event's Registration Open Date is in the past, and the Registration Close Date is in the future.

To modify the Registration Open and Close dates:

  1. From the Setup section of the Registrar menu, choose Manage Events.
  2. Click Change beside the name of the Event.
  3. Click the Dates tab.
  4. Change the dates by clicking the calendar icon, making sure that:
    • The registration Open Date is in the past.
    • The registration Close Date is in the future.
    • The timezone is correct.
  5. Remember to click the "Update & Next" button at the bottom of any page you modify, and when finished you must click the Save button to save your work to the system.

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