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How do I issue tax receipts for Pledge-a-thon donations?

You can issue tax receipts...

  • For offline Pledge-a-thon donations received by cash or cheques;
  • For online Pledge-a-thon donations if a receipt was not automatically issued at the time of their donation;
  • Or, to a Pledge-a-thon Participant for the tax deductible amount of any donations or registration fees paid.

To issue tax receipts:

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Tax Receipts.
  3. Choose your Pledge-a-thon from the drop down menu.
  4. Choose the supporter type:
    • Select Participant to issue a receipt for the tax deductible amount of any donations or registration fees paid.
    • Select Sponsor (online donor) to issue a receipt for online donations if a receipt was not automatically issued at the time of their donation.
    • Select Pledger (offline donor) to issue a receipt for offline Pledge-a-thon donations received by cash or cheques.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Any unsent receipts for that supporter type will appear, along with the reason why they could not be sent.
  7. Input any missing information as required by clicking Change.
  8. Check the boxes beside each donation to receive an emailed tax receipt or click Select All to check all boxes.
  9. Click Proceed to Step 2
  10. In the Greeting field, enter a greeting prefix (Hi, Hello, Dear) and choose how the greeting should address the donor (first name vs. full first & last name).
  11. In the white text boxes, customize the subject line and message to be sent to your donors.
  12. When satisfied, click Email tax receipts to send your message.
  13. Repeat steps 4-12 for each supporter type.


  • Before issuing a tax receipt for an offline donation, you must first confirm receipt of the cash or cheque pledge within your GiftTool account.
  • If you do not have an email address for the donor, you can have the receipt sent to your own email address. The receipt is envelope-ready, so that it can be printed, folded and inserted into a windowed #10 envelope, with the mailing address correctly appearing in the window.
  • There is a cost of $0.35 per electronic tax receipt manually issued.
  • If you have previously issued a Pledge-a-thon receipt and the donor has lost their copy, you can resend the receipt to the donor.

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