Books > Help Center > Donations > Essentials of Donations > General settings >  

Can I accept Gift Aid declarations from UK donors?

For Registered United Kingdom (UK) Charities only, you can show the following Gift Aid declaration section to donors when making an online donation.

This message will be displayed on your English pages only. Responses will be listed in your donation reports.

For more info about Gift Aid, please refer to the HMRC website at

To enable UK Gift Aid for your account:

  1. Click Donation to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the United Kingdom Gift Aid section, choose Edit UK Gift Aid.
  3. From the Setup section, choose United Kingdom Gift Aid.
  4. Check the box to "Show the Gift Aid declaration section to donors when making an online donation".
  5. If required, modify the text displayed for the Yes option.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Next, configure each Donation Appeal or Pledge-a-thon to include the UK Gift Aid section on the donation page. 

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