Books > Help Center > Pledge-a-thon > Essentials of Pledge-a-thon > Managing Pledge-a-thons >  

How do I change a Pledge-a-thon?
  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, click Manage Pledge-a-thons.
  3. Click Change next to the Pledge-a-thon you would like to modify.
  4. Learn more about modifying each section of your Pledge-a-thon, including updating the thermometer.
  5. Remember to click the Update & Next button at the bottom of any page you modify, and when finished you must click the Save button to save your work to the system.
If you already have a web browser open displaying the old registration form, please close the browser and open a new browser so that you can see your changes to your online form. Otherwise, your browser session will still exist, continuing to show the old settings even though you have hit the refresh button.

Hint: If the input fields are already filled out, this means that data continues to exist from the last session and you may not have the most recent version of your form. Just close all browsers and start again.

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