How do I upload offline pledges not recorded by a participant?
When you receive offline cash or cheque donations from a participant,
your staff will normally record
receipt in the GiftTool BackOffice which automatically moves these
donations from the Pending list to the Confirmed list. Regardless of
the pending or confirmed status, the contribution amount will already
be tracked in the participant'sĀ and team's fundraising thermometer.
However, if a participant has failed to enter the offline pledges
into their account, you can upload these offline pledges as follows:
- Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
- From the Administration section, choose Pledges.
- Select the Import Pledges tab.
- Click to open the Pledge Import Template Excel and save the Excel
file to your hard drive.
- Begin by creating your list of pledges in the 2nd row.
- You will need to know the Participant ID number in order to
complete the file (search
for a participant profile to find their ID number)
- Do NOT delete
or modify the first header row.
- Do NOT change
the order of the columns.
- The email, phone, street, city, state/province, country and
zipcode are optional and can be left blank.
- Type "yes" in the Payment Received column if you
have already received the funds.
- Save the file as an Excel (*.XLS) file (Excel 97, 2000 or 2003 compatible).
- To import the Excel file into the GiftTool database:
- Choose the file from your desktop by clicking Browse.
- Choose the file you want to import and click Open.
- Click the Import button to import your data into
the GiftTool BackOffice database and execute the transactions.
- The transactions may take a few moments to be processed.
- GiftTool analyzes the file for errors, and will NOT import any of the
transactions if there are errors (e.g. associated participant
IDs not matching, contribution amounts not present or formatted
incorrectly, payment method or payment received missing or misspelt).
- Once you have uploaded your list of offline donations received by
your organization, you may use the GiftTool system to issue
tax receipts.
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