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How do I import a list of members?

Using a spreadsheet is an easy way to enter all your member profile information at one time. Note that standard transaction fees apply for each member imported into your database. Confirmation emails will not be sent.

Alternatively, you can register a single member from your public registration pages, and have a confirmation email automatically sent when completed.

  1. Click Memberships to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Import Members.
  3. Click to open the Member Spreadsheet Template in Excel and save the Excel file to your hard drive.
    • Begin by creating your list of member profiles for a single membership in the 2nd row. Save the file as an Excel (*.XLS) file (Excel 97, 2000 or 2003 compatible).
    • Please do NOT delete or modify the first header row.
    • Please do NOT change the order of the columns, nor delete a column.
    • Make sure to complete the following mandatory columns:
      • Valid Email Address (must be unique - members cannot share the same email)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
    • Passwords should be 8 characters or longer. If you do not include passwords, GiftTool will automatically generate a password for each member profile imported.
    • If you do not provide a Start Date, the import date will be used instead.
    • If you do not provide an amount in the $ Collected column, the amount due will remain pending.
    • If you include Phone Numbers, they should be in one of the following formats: (888)555-1234, 888-555-1234 or 888.555.1234
    • If you a Province or State, you must also include a Country.
    • If you do not provide a Country, the State/Province will not be recorded included.
    • If you are importing a list of members who belong to different memberships, you should import separate spreadsheets for each membership type.
    • If you are importing a list of members with different statuses (Active vs. Pending), you should import separate spreadsheets for each membership status.
    • The maximum file size for an imported list is 9.0 MB. Larger files must be split up.
    • The system will assign Membership ID numbers. The numbers run sequentially across GiftTool clients.
  4. To import the Excel file into the GiftTool database:
    • Choose whether the membership status for all members on this list is Active or Pending. If you are importing a list of members that are both Active and Pending, you should import separate spreadsheets for each membership status.
    • Choose the membership type associated with all members on this list. If you are importing a list of members who belong to different memberships, you should import separate spreadsheets for each membership type.
    • Click Next.
  5. Choose the file from your desktop by clicking Browse.
  6. Choose the file you want to import and click Open.
  7. Click the Import button to import your list of members into the GiftTool BackOffice database and execute the transactions.
    • The import may take a few moments to be processed.
    • GiftTool analyzes the file for errors, and will NOT import any of the member profiles if there are errors (e.g. missing valid email, first name & last name).

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