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Tips for Entering Filter Criteria

When creating a Custom Report, you can specify optional filters to eliminate unwanted records, restricting your report to a smaller subset of data.

To enter filter criteria:

  1. Choose a Field from the first drop-down list.
  2. Choose an Operator from the second drop-down list.
  3. In the third field, enter the Value to match. When entering values, please note:
    • Values are case sensitive.
    • Be careful about adding unwanted extra spaces before or after the value.
    • When typing the value for an Activity, Item Name or Sponsorship Details, you must type the exact name as spelled in your setup. Tip: Run the report without this filter, to see which name should be filter for. Then copy/paste the exact value into your filter.
    • Date values must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  4. Repeat to add more filters, adding advanced filter logic as required.
    • If you do not specify any filter logic, AND will automatically appear in the Logic column on the right hand side, which means that each condition MUST be met for an order to be included in the report.

Example 1 - Single Filter

Suppose you would like to see a report for all the orders from California. Here is how you enter this into the system below...


Condition Field Operator Value
   1 State equals CA


Example 2 - Two Filters (data must comply to both filters)

Now suppose you would like to see a report for all the orders from California that are attending a specific event. Just add a second condition.


Condition Field Operator Value Logic
   1 State equals CA AND
   2 Activity equals 29th Fundraising Gala  

By default, the word “AND” appears in the Logic column on the right hand side. This means the report has been narrowed, so that each line has to comply with all of the filters. So in Example 2, only the orders that both come from California and have registered to attend the 29th Fundraising Gala show up on the report.
You can override the “AND” logic by specifying your own logic. Here's how...

Example 3 - Three Filters (data need only comply to one of three filter)

If you would like to see a report for all orders from California, New York and Canada combined. Enter in your conditions...


Condition Field Operator Value
   1 State equals CA
   2 State equals NY
   3 Country equals Canada

Then on the Advanced Logic line below, link the conditions with the word “OR”. This means that an order has to comply with only one of the conditions to show up on the report. Entering information into this line automatically overrides the AND logic in the right hand column.


1 OR 2 OR 3  

If you have a complex set of conditions and you want to combine “AND” and “OR” logic, see Advanced Filter Logic for more examples.

  1. Example 4. One-Time Donations only
  2. Example 5. Recurring Donations only
  3. Example 6. Event Registrar - Registrants with Balance Due
  4. Example 7. Event Registrar - Single Registration or Session Option
  5. Example 8. Event Registrar - List of Donors across multiple events
  6. Example 9. Pledge-a-thon - Offline Donations
  7. Example 10. Pledge-a-thon - Participants only
  8. Each filter line must contain a field, operator, and value.
  1. See advanced filter logic for additional rules & examples.

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