Books > Help Center > Pledge-a-thon > Essentials of Pledge-a-thon > Managing Pledge-a-thon donors, participants & teams >  

How do I suspend a personal fundraising page?

Suspend a personal fundraising page which contains objectionable content, or if the participant is no longer participating in the event. Re-activate the personal fundraising page when the objectionable content has been modified.

  1. Click Pledge-a-thon to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Participants.
  3. Locate the participant's profile.
  4. Choose Profile next to the corresponding participant.
  5. From the Participant Status section, choose Suspended from the drop down menu of the Status of Fundraising Page.
    • Suspended pages can no longer be seen by the public.
    • Suspended participants will still be able to log into their participant account, to update any objectionable content in their personal message or record offline donations.
    • A team leader's page cannot be suspended.  You must first change the team leader to another person or delete the team before suspending their profile.
    • This does not remove the participant from your reports, as it simply hides the personal fundraising page from being viewed by the public.
  6. Click Update Status.

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