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How do I format text using HTML tags?

HTML is a way of marking up text using tags, to make text look a certain way on the Web. Tags are always used in pairs, which deciphers when to start a certain look and when to stop. The "start" tag is written in angle brackets, and the "end" tag has a slash in it which means "stop doing this".

If you would like to format text in a text box that does NOT include an HTML editor, you can insert the following HTML tags to format your text:

Adding a single line break:

Type: I wish to type my text <br>
         on the next line.

Results: I wish to type my text
             on the next line.

Adding a blank line in between two sentences:

Type: I wish to end my sentence.<br><br>
         I have added a blank line above this sentence.

Results: I wish to end my sentence.

            I have added a blank line above this sentence.

Bolded text: 

Type: I want to <b>emphasize a point</b> by making text bolder than the rest.

Results: I want to emphasize a point by making text bolder than the rest.

Underlined text:

Type: I want to <u>emphasize a point</u> by underlining specific text.

Results: I want to emphasize a point by underlining specific text.

Italicized text:

Type: I want to <i>emphasize a point</i> by italicizing specific text.

Results: I want to emphasize a point by italicizing specific text.

Bolded, underlined and italicized text:

Type: I want to <b><u><i>emphasize a point</i></u></b> by underlining and italicizing specific text, as well as, making it bolder than the rest.

Results: I want to emphasize a point by underlining and italicizing specific text, as well as, making it bolder than the rest.

Creating a bulleted list:

Type: <ul><li>List item 1</li>
<li>List item 2</li>
<li>List item 3</li>


  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Creating a numbered list:

Type: <ol><li>List item 1</li>
<li>List item 2</li>
<li>List item 3</li>


  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3

Adding a website link:

Type: My text includes a link to the <a href="" target="_blank">GiftTool</a> website which will open in a new browser.

Results: My text includes a link to the GiftTool website which will open in a new browser.

Adding an email link:

Type: My text includes a <a href="">link</a> that opens an email window.

Results: My text includes a link that opens an email window.

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