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About Pledge-a-thon Categories

Organize your Pledge-a-thons into a category, if you have multiple Pledge-a-thons associated with the same campaign.

This allows you to create an overall category page listing all Pledge-a-thons. Your constituents will be able to review the available Pledge-a-thons, as well as, click to register, sponsor a participant, or login. On the category page, you can also display an overall thermometer for the category, as well as, a list of top teams and top fundraisers across all Pledge-a-thons in the category.

Do you have multiple locations for the same event?

  • Create a Pledge-a-thon for each location, and then group them into a single category "Walk for the Cause 2012".
  • This will automatically create separate reports and landing pages for each location, as well as, an overall landing page for the category "Walk for the Cause 2012".

Are you collecting on behalf of several charitable institutions, where a participant must decide which charity they are supporting when registering? Do you want a separate landing page with its own thermometer for each charitable institution?

  • Create a Pledge-a-thon for each charitable institution such as: "Walk for Charity A" and "Walk for Charity B", then group them into a single category "Walk for the Cause 2012". 
  • This will automatically create separate reports and landing pages for each charitable institution, as well as, an overall landing page for the category "Walk for the Cause 2012".


Do you have any additional suggestions & comments you'd like to share? 
Have you found another use for grouping your Pledge-a-thons into a Category?

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