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Essentials of Pledge-a-thon
Linking Pledge-a-thons to your website
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Linking Pledge-a-thons to your website
How do I launch my Pledge-a-thon to the public?
How do I add a thermometer image for my Pledge-a-thon to my website?
How do I add a Register Now link to my website?
How do I add a Sponsor a Participant link to my website?
How do I add a Team Listing page to my website?
How do I add a Login link to my website?
Adding a list of Top Participants & Top Teams by Pledge-a-thon
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Today's Top 10 Articles
How do I create an event?
Use Pledge-a-thon reporting tools to stay organized
2015-10-15 - Automated Pledge-a-thon Notifications
How do I create a Pledge-a-thon?
How can I view & print an invoice?
How do I setup eStore delivery schedules?
How do I transfer my GiftTool data into Raiser’s Edge?
How do I create a Pledge-a-thon waiver?
How do I setup a Return policy?
How does the credit card payment process work?