How do I block an IP address used for fraudulent donations?
If you have received multiple fraudulent donations from the same IP
address within a short amount of time, you can block the IP address
used to prevent further donations from being processed. This feature
is only available for the Donation service.
Blocking an IP address will last for 4 month. During the 4-month
period, the system will decline any transactions for the Donation
service submitted using this IP address.
Note that fraudsters may have access to multiple IP addresses, so
staying on top of IP blocking will cause frustration and may encourage
them to move on to other pursuits.
- Blocking an IP address of a legitimate donor will result in the
loss of donations from that donor.
- If you block an IP address of a fraudulent donation, this same IP
address may also be used by legitimate users.
To block an IP address:
- Click Donations to view the Main Menu of this service
- From the Administration section, click Orders
- Click Search to view a listing of all donations
made in reverse chronological order, or refine your search for a
donation order.
- Click the Order ID to view the order profile. Multiple orders may
be associated with the same Donor Profile.
- From the Order Profile, click Block IP to block
this IP Address from being used for future donations (see image
below). A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to click OK or
Note: If the same IP address has been used for multiple
orders, the IP address status will be shown as blocked for all other
orders. Therefore, if you find that this IP address has already
been blocked on the GiftTool platform (orange button
stating 'Unblock IP'), you can ignore this step.
click to enlarge
To unblock an IP address:
- If you make a mistake or wish to remove the IP block, follow steps
1-4 above to find the Order Profile.
- From the Order Profile, click Unblock IP. A
pop-up window will appear, allowing you to click OK or Cancel. This
will immediately allow donations from this IP address to be
processed in the normal manner. If the same IP address has been used
for multiple orders, the IP address status will automatically change
to unblocked for all other orders.
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