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About Pledge-a-thon coordinators

Each Pledge-a-thon must be associated with a Pledge-a-thon coordinator.

The name, address and telephone number of the coordinator will appear on the Pledge-a-thon description page and email confirmation sent to your donors and registrants. Furthermore, your confirmation emails will be sent using this email address - displayed as the 'From' email address in your donor's and registrant's inbox.

You can input a specific person as coordinator or use generic language consistent with your organization's business practices. For example:

  • Jane Doe,, 1-555-123-4567 ext 123
  • Walk-a-thon Coordinator,, 1-555-123-4567

Only one coordinator can be assigned to each Pledge-a-thon and receive copies of confirmation emails. Since there will be times when an email does not get through, it is recommended that the coordinator access your account to view the up-to-date Pledge-a-thon reports. If other staff members require donor and registrant information, they too should login to your account to view Pledge-a-thon reports.

How do I add a Pledge-a-thon coordinator profile?
How do I change a Pledge-a-thon coordinator profile?

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