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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Getting Started >  

Getting started with your next event

Your first event was a success. Now it's time to get ready for your next event.  If it's been awhile since your last event, the following tips might help get you on the right track.

The easiest way to get started is to create a copy of last year's event and make any changes to the new draft. It's important to create a copy, so that you start with an empty database of attendees!

Here are the instructions:

How do I use Copy to create a new event?

Adding an image using the HTML Editor

How do I preview & test my draft event?
**make sure to select “Test Payment” on the final payment page

How do I change my draft event?

How do I activate my event?

How do I launch my event to the public?



  • Archive the old event so that you do not get confused between your new draft and your old event. FYI – the higher the Event ID number, the more recent the version.
  • If your website design has changed, learn more about updating your GiftTool templates to match.
  • If you have a new payment gateway for the behind-the-scenes credit card processing, or if you have changed the connection codes/passwords, please send an email to requesting the form to update your payment gateway connection information.

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