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Account Management
How do I update my contact information for the master account?
How do I update the contact information for individual services?
How do I change my mailing or billing address?
Can I login to two GiftTool accounts at the same time?
Active and Inactive GiftTool Services
How do I add another GiftTool service?
How do we stop incurring monthly fees from GiftTool?
How do I cancel my GiftTool account?
How do I cancel the subscription to one of my services?
If you have more than one GiftTool account ...
How do I reactivate a cancelled GiftTool service?
What are the letters for in the Order ID numbers?
How do I contact GiftTool Support?
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Today's Top 10 Articles
How does the credit card payment process work?
How do I create a donation appeal?
How do I issue a membership card to a pending member?
How do I cancel and reissue a tax receipt?
How do I find my Google Analytics Tracking ID?
Creating a table within the HTML editor
What is a Payment Gateway, and why do I need one?
Can I hide the registration options & pricing on the Event Description page?
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