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2010-08-17: Canadian eTax Receipts - New Features

The Canadian eTax Receipt functionality has been upgraded to include the full transactional details when your supporter's purchase tickets through the Event Registrar or pay registration fees through the Pledge-a-thon service. 

This now allows you to automatically issue Canadian eTax Receipts for the tax-receiptable portion of the ticket price or additional item sold. 

The format of the Canadian eTax Receipts has been modified to allow a full listing of all items included in the transaction.  Therefore, there will no longer be two copies of the same receipt on the same page.  Instead, your donors will be able to print as many copies as they need for their tax filings.

How do I change my event to automatically issue Canadian eTax Receipts in the Event Registrar?

  • Click Registrar > Manage Events > Change beside the name of your event
  • Click Receipts (grey tab) 
  • Check over the details for the email sent with the tax receipt, and make any changes necessary.
  • Click Update & Next. 
  • Click the Event Options (light blue tab) 
  • Click change beside each option > at the bottom of the page select the correct receipt status, minus the amount to be deducted from the tax receipt to cover the non-tax receiptable amount. For example, if the ticket price is $225.00, and the tax receipt amount is $125.00, then enter $100.00 in the amount to be deducted from the tax receipt.
  • Click Save Registration Option.
  • Repeat for each all other options. 
  • If you are charging fees for Session Options or Additional Items, and a portion of these fees are tax-deductable, then do the as the process above for each Session Option or Additional Item under their respective tabs.
  • Click Save as Active.

A Canadian eTax Receipts will be automatically issued for each event registration. Note: When setting up online registration which includes receipts, the payment option is restricted to credit card payments only so that a tax receipt can be issued immediately.


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