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> The Basics of Your GiftTool Account > Accessing Your Account >  

What do we do to prepare for a staff change?

If a new person is going to be taking over the coordination of your GiftTool account, it is important to make some small updates in the BackOffice.

  1. From the GiftTool BackOffice, click Account in the top right corner.
  2. Click Contact Info.
  3. Make your changes and click Save.
  4. This contact name will appear in the mailing address of your monthly GiftTool invoices. The email address listed will receive email notifications for important information (such as when a new feature or service is launched; new pricing information is available, etc). 

For security reasons, you may want to also update the username and password so that the outgoing personnel can no longer access your GiftTool account.

  1. From the GiftTool BackOffice, click Account in the top right corner.
  2. Click Password.
  3. Make your changes to the User Name and Account Password.
    • Your 'Strong' password must be at least 8 characters long, of which one character or more must be a number. Pass phrases are allowed.
  4. Retype the same password in the text box marked Confirm Password. This helps to ensure that you have typed the correct password.
    • You'll need the new user name and password to log into the GiftTool BackOffice Area, so please write them down and keep them in a secure place.
  5. Click Save.

If the new person will also take over responsibility for specific services:

  1. For the Donation service:
  2. For Canadian eTax Receipts:
    • Change the coordinator selected to receive copies of all eTax Receipts issued.
  3. For the Event Registrar service:
  4. For the Membership service:
  5. For the Pledge-a-thon service:
  6. For the Shopping Cart service:
    • Change the notification details displayed to your customers during the check out process.
    • If Product Managers have been setup to also receive notification, you can change these as well.

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