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How do I record an offline membership order payment?

When a member registers online and selects the "pay later" option, their membership is recoded as Pending. Once you receive their offline payment, you can record the amount received in a member's profile to keep your balance due reports up to day.

  1. From the Administration section of the Membership menu, choose Members.
  2. From the Member Profiles section, locate the member profile by searching for the member order profile.
  3. Click Profile next to the order.
  4. Within the Profile, click Offline Payments in the Order Transactions area.
  5. Record your offline Payment Amount and whether the amount was Received (from the customer) or Paid Out (to the customer). For example:
    • If you have received $100, enter a Payment Amount of $100 and select Received from the drop down menu.
    • If you are refunding $100 back to the customer for a cancelled transaction, enter a Payment Amount of $100 and select Paid Out from the drop down menu. You can also use this setting when correcting an amount that was mistakenly made.
    • Note that minus signs will be ignored by the system. Instead you must select Paid Out, if the amount is to be reversed.
  6. Select the Payment Method for the amount received or refunded (Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Debit Card, Gift Card, Money Order, ACH - Automated Clearing House, ECP - Electronic Cheque Payments, EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer, Coupon, Other).
  7. Select the Payment Status of the payment (Paid, Pending, Declined, NSF - Non-Sufficient Fund, Cancelled).
  8. Enter your initials or name to keep track of who recorded the payment.
  9. Add an optional note (i.e. Cheque number, payment gateway authorization code).
  10. Click Save Payment to save changes when done. The Balance Due for this member will be adjusted by this amount. A full listing of each offline payment entered into the system will be displayed at the bottom of the Offline Payments page. Click Back to return to the profile.
  11. Once the member has paid their membership in full, you can now Activate the membership. There are two ways to do this:
    • From the member's profile page, click Change beside the pending membership. Select the active membership status and click Save.
    • Click Memberships Pending Activation (blue tab) and click Activate beside the member's name with their pending membership.

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